Media Arts Advanced Film Productions (AFP)
All student film projects at BYU are to be created in accordance with the values and standards associated with the University Honor Code and the TMA Viewing and Creation Policy. This isn’t to say that the project needs to be overtly religious; it is simply a reminder that use of offensive material is unacceptable and may result in the rejection of your proposal or termination of the project anytime during the production process (even during production or the Post-Production phase). The ultimate reference is the TMA Creation & Viewing Policy document. Any additional questions regarding content should be discussed with Media Arts faculty advisors.
The purpose of a Media Arts Advanced Film Production (AFP) is to educate students in the creation of a motion picture through a hands-on lab experience. The two primary methods for providing this education are: 1) faculty and professional mentorship, and 2) peer mentorship.
Final cut of the AFP is retained by TMA, not by any student, including but not limited to the producer, director and/or writer(s).
All students involved in the creation of an AFP agree to behave with the utmost professionalism and follow all policies and procedures found in TMA written materials and/or the student handbook and/or presented in classes and/or production meetings pertaining to AFP film. In the event that a crew member is dismissed from the film, TMA may, at its sole discretion, appoint another student or group of students, to oversee completion of the film.
TMA may cancel the development, production, and/or postproduction of the film due to unprofessional behavior, logistical issues, acts of god and/or violation of university or departmental policies.
Because the University has funded and supported the AFP, the film is the sole property of the University; therefore, the University may handle the film in the manner it feels is most in support of its educational and spiritual mission. The University owns the rights to exhibit and distribute, or not to exhibit nor distribute, the AFP as it sees fit, without compensation to students or other participants, in perpetuity. Unless otherwise prohibited by the University, the student filmmakers may also exhibit the University-approved version of the finished film after the AFP has finished its “festival run”.
The University controls all material assets of the film purchased with University funds, including but not limited to, props, wardrobe, hard drives, equipment, etc.., as well as all digital assets, including but not limited to exported versions of the film, production footage, behind the scenes footage and photographs, sound recordings, music, etc.. These assets may not be used in any other capacity than in association with the finished film, unless written consent is granted by the University. All assets must be returned to the TMA department once the film has been completed.
Because the film is the property of the University, students may not create their own version of the film, such as a “director’s cut”, without express permission from the University.
Once accepted for AFP production, the script is owned by the University and therefore the University owns the rights to develop, shape, alter, etc., the work as is required for its educational purposes. Notwithstanding, while the University owns the script used for production of the AFP, the student writer(s) (not the producer and/or director—unless one or both are also the writer(s)) owns and may develop the story material beyond the AFP.
Fiction AFP Scripts will only be considered by the department when submitted by a Producer. This means that if you have written a script you would like to submit for consideration, you must identify a producer who would be willing to spearhead the project before the script can be submitted. You may also submit the script if you are planning on acting as the Producer for the project.
The applicant pitching the project must be in good academic standing, on track toward graduation, and must have a strong record of collaboration and citizenship.
The Producer and Director must be students through the completion of the project.
Before a student directs an AFP, that student may work in key positions on other AFPs. However, after a student directs an AFP, that student is no longer eligible to work on future AFPs.
Students are eligible to work in a specific key position one time. For example, a student may work as a DP, editor, producer, etc., on one AFP, but may not repeat this position on another AFP. This is to provide opportunities for as many students as possible to work in key positions.
Food Purchases for Craft Services (ALL AFPs)
In accordance with the university policy regarding purchasing food for students, the department Chair must approve all AFP project craft purchases prior to their purchase. To make this process simple, after the project completes their faculty review presentation, the producer must email the chair their total budget for craft for approval. This additional approval will allow the chair to create a paper trail for the business office to tag onto these expenses.