Access Procedures
Make sure you fill out all required paperwork for your specific access requests and familiarize yourself with the information on it. Click above to access the documents. If you have any questions you can talk to the Access and Facilities Manager.
Meet with your faculty or project advisor and discuss your Access request and paperwork and have them sign it.
Fill out an Access Request Form at least 48 hours before your desired Access meeting. You will receive confirmation of your appointment. Click above to access the Access Request Form.
Come to access five minutes before your appointment with paperwork in hand (IMPORTANT: Please bring two copies of your paperwork).
Additional Access Information
Class Equipment Lists
Many times students do not realize that they already have access to certain equipment without having to go through an Access meeting. For other classes, equipment is needed to complete a project but going through Access is also required. This page is to help you know when you get access, who needs to come to the meeting, and what you already have access to while in the class.
Most production classes have a fixed set of equipment made available. More advanced fiction narrative and documentary production classes also have equipment assigned for the class use, while Advanced Production Project classes require special clearance and special assignment of equipment.
Class Access
After a student has met the prerequisite Access requirements for the class in which they are enrolled and are added to that class’ equipment group, they may log in to the TMA Checkout System (Connect2
For Advanced Production Projects, the Producer and UPM need to come to the Access meeting. Any other key crew member that they feel needs to be present to answer questions can come as well. For example, if the film is very focused on the cinematography, it would be a good idea for the DP to come.