Vanishing Angle is seeking responsible, motivated, currently enrolled students who have a strong interest in the office and production side of filmmaking. Because we are working on multiple film projects concurrently, Vanishing Angle interns will have opportunities to gain experience in different stages of filmmaking.
Location: This internship may be a combination of on-site and remote. Ideally, students can work on set 1-2 days per week for 4-5 hours at a time, but remote work is also possible for the right candidates. It will be a mix of remote tasks as well as on-set work. We have multiple projects filming in Utah this spring, so you will get a chance to participate in all sorts of different aspects of filmmaking.
Training & Participation may include:
Producer assistance (research for projects, budgeting, scheduling, etc.)
On-set experience (this is dependent on what projects are being shot during the internship)
Preparing deliverables for distributors and partners
Other benefits:
Mentorship – Each intern will have the opportunity to meet with a member of VA’s leadership team for 30 minutes, weekly, schedules permitting. Meetings may entail career advice, goal setting and accountability, and career strategies for transitioning from school into the industry.
Industry Q&A’s – Interns will benefit from “ask-me-anything” sessions with members of VA’s extensive industry network. These are Q&A’s with one or several professionals actively engaged in the film industry.
Fun Lab – Interns are required to participate in a weekly writer’s group called Fun Lab to discuss new work and offer creative feedback. Interns are welcome to share their own scripts or rough cuts for community feedback as well.
Requirements & Expectations Please note the following terms:
This is an unpaid internship.
Intern must make arrangements with an accredited school to receive course credit.
Interns are expected to commit 10-15 hours per week to projects and enrichment activities.
The term engagement is around 18 weeks, however the internship term is flexible and will conform to/accommodate the intern’s academic calendar and school commitments. It would be for the spring semester, so starting in January and ending in May
Opportunities to work on set and attend screening events are not guaranteed.
Interns are not guaranteed a job at the end of the internship.