Senior Animated Group Film Pitches Skip to main content

Senior Animated Group Film Pitches

The Senior Animated Group Film pitches are due October 6th by 5 pm. If you would like to submit a story idea, please write your idea in a simple word or pdf document, and attach that document to an email addressed to:

The email will be sent to a box folder where all the Center for Animation faculty will be able access the submissions.

The pitches should be written as a simple paragraph ( a single, simple paragraph) and can include an image or two. Faculty will review those pitches and decide on the finalists. Finalists should be notified that following week. Final selections will be pitched the night of October 17th. More details on the night of final pitches will be sent within the next week or so.


A short film that runs around 3 minutes in length

2-3 characters

2-3 environments

Any BYU student can submit. Know that by submitting your idea, if chosen, the idea will become the property of BYU and the Center for Animation. If you do not want to give up your rights to the idea don’t submit it. The BYU Center for Animation Student films cost hundreds of thousand dollars in equipment and production fees and utilize tens of thousands of student hours. BYU investment is substantial, and ownership is critical to that level of investment.