Non-major Opportunities
Become a Minor
The Theatre & Media Arts Department currently provides two minor programs for interested students: the Theatre Arts Studies Minor and the Media Arts Studies Minor. See the Theatre and Media Arts Minors Academic Plan (MAP)
Take TMA Courses Without Prerequisites
The Department of Theatre and Media Arts offers several general education courses and some elective courses that are available to all students:
Theatre Courses
| Media Arts Courses
Get Involved With BYU Theatre and BYU Film Productions
Non-majors are welcome to participate in all BYU Theatre and BYU Film productions as actors and as members of stage and film crews. Look for auditions on the bulletin board outside 1010 WCCB or on the website
Get Involved With Theatre One-Act Productions
Everyone is welcome to participate in our One-Act Play Festival, presented at the end of each semester. These plays, directed by students enrolled in TMA 436, audition at the beginning of each semester, rehearse throughout the semester, and perform on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the end of the semester. One-Act performances are in the Black Box in 1010 WCCB. Look for auditions and calls for creative team members on the bulletin board outside 1010 WCCB or on the website