Director Needed for Short Pilot Episode Skip to main content

Director Needed for Short Pilot Episode

Project title: Marriage Clause
Apply by: November 11, 2022 (the sooner, the better)
How to apply: email me at, or text me at 571-455-8161. Please let me know if you are interested, and if possible, send me a link of a previous short film you have made that you are proud of. Please send me any questions you may have regarding the project and script.

Description: I'm Kayla LaFroth, and I'm an advertising student seeking a director to create a shot pilot episode for a series called "The Marriage Clause." I have already written the script. The episode takes place on BYU campus, and is about two students who decide to get married so that she can get out of her housing contract and he can appease his family. It plays with the unique culture that we have here in Provo. The episode would be about ten minutes long. As director, you would enjoy a lot of creative control and could use this film on your resume.