Exclusive vintage film projection in Library Auditorium, Thursday Jan. 19, 3pm.

This week we are featuring WITHOUT HONOR (1949) this THURSDAY at 3pm in the Library Auditorium.
****Special Bonus screening: the un-aired pilot to “21st PRECINT” from 1957. **Never before seen by Audiences**
WITHOUT HONOR is a 1949 film noir starring Utah’s own Laraine Day.
Featuring the music of Max Steiner.
A shish kabob skewer as a murder weapon.
A hidden corpse.
This will be a lot of fun to watch.
Why we have this in our archive: Featuring Laraine Day, whose papers we house, and the music of Max Steiner, whose collection also resides in Special Collections. Laraine Day would marry Michel Grilikhes, who produced a pilot for 21st PRECINCT that was never selected by CBS. We have his papers as well.
Come see the film on celluloid and talk through some history.