Library Auditorium, Wednesday Nov 9, 3pm
This week we are featuring WHITE HEAT (1949) this WEDNESDAY.
For this month, we are viewing film noir titles or at least gritty urban post-war cinema. “NOIRVEMBER”
Directed by Raoul Walsh. Starring James Cagney and Virginia Mayo.
This quintessential gangster picture is considered one of the best and most influential (perhaps so iconic many elements are now exploited tropes).
This film features the music of Max Steiner! That is why the archive had it prioritized. THAT IS TWO IN A ROW BY MAX!
If you haven’t seen this one, this is the venue to see it.
Screening on a WEDNESDAY, if your schedule has kept you from joining us this semester, now you can come.
What you missed last week: Wow, what a terrible situation for our characters in CAGED. Abuse psychological, physical, emotional. A system meant to punish and not enable. Although a curated selection of the work grievances of the prison system, they in all reality occurred certainly multiple times in history.
Considering such realities reminds us of our reliance on the atonement of Jesus Christ for comfort.