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Voice Casting

Student Accomplice – is the latest in the line of BYU Animated Short films. The story centers around LETTY, a 16-year-old girl, who while taking her driver’s license exam is carjacked by a bank robber and forced to be the get-away driver.

As per most of our films the dialog is minimal, but it will have a huge impact on the film. We ask that actors record themselves and upload their recording with a resume that has all their contact information to:


Auditions should be completed and uploaded by February 14. Sides are attached and descriptions are below.

Main Character

LETTY (16 female), dark skinned Caribbean American, Windbreaker, faded jeans and converse with fluffy red leg warmers, frizzy black hair unsuccessfully constrained by a purple scrunchy- she is nervous about the outcome of her driver’s test. (Prefer an islander or an African American Woman.)

Secondary Characters

ED (75), Japanese, white hair, dark eyebrows, ancient looking and short. He raises his clipboard and taps on it expectantly, highlighting the words PARALLEL PARK. Ed is the Drive Test Assessor sitting by Letty’s side, grading her work as takes her driver’s license test. (Prefer a Japanese or Asian American Male Actor)

VAUGHN, 38, a large Caucasian male with a leather jacket and sinister looking five O’clock shadow, holding a handgun and duffle bag stuffed with stolen cash. He is aggressive and in a hurry.


The city of Moorwonky bustles lazily, its inhabitants going about their day as usual. Moorwonky is a vaguely Bostonian looking east coast city with a very hilly topography similar to San Francisco.