TMA 480R: From ABBA to Ziggy Stardust: Music as Performance Skip to main content

TMA 480R: From ABBA to Ziggy Stardust: Music as Performance

For Fall, 2023 TMA 480R, 3.0 credits

TTH 9-10:50

WCCB 2343

Whether in a concert arena, on an iPhone, in a karaoke bar, or in a rehearsal room…music is always “performed.” What this suggests is that not only do the lyrics and sounds of the music generate meaning for an audience, but so does the entirety of the music event. “From ABBA to Ziggy Stardust” takes seriously the role that music plays in our lives and how that meaning is inextricably tied to performance. In this class, we will examine what and how musicians “mean” through their performances of music, how music events reflect and construct their unique cultural worlds, and how music itself can be performative and even theatrical in its production of body and space. Along the way, we will explore a variety of musicians/acts, genres, media, conventions, etc., the entire time keenly focusing on performance and performativity.

Although TMA 395 is listed as a prereq for this course, students without this prereq can contact Wade Hollingshaus for a permission-to-add code.