Master of Arts program coming to a close Skip to main content

Master of Arts program coming to a close

After a long history at BYU, the Master of Arts program is coming to a close.
The program has seen several adjustments throughout the years– beginning as an MA in Theatre and Media Arts, and eventually being reconfigured to an MA in Media and Performance Studies. Regardless of the emphasis, the MA program has helped many of its graduates build their expertise and even go on to pursue doctorates.

After this last cohort graduates, however, the program will come to and end. While it has had a wonderful impact on its graduates and offered a successful springboard towards helping them achieve their goals, the department has decided to shift resources towards a focus on its undergraduate students.

Wade Hollingshaus, who currently serves as Graduate Coordinator, shares, “[In making this decision], we were trying to think through what was going to be best for students, and we realized that our priority should actually be our current undergrads and offering the best curriculum we can for them. By eliminating the graduate program, it frees up resources for us to provide a better graduate-focused education for undergrads. It was about giving something up to make something else better.”

Moving forward, the department looks forward to providing the best education possible to its undergraduates, helping them along their professional trajectory.