Wade Hollingshaus Skip to main content

Wade Hollingshaus

Associate Professor
Theatre Arts Studies, TMA
Email: wadeh@byu.edu

178 WCO - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84604


Wade Hollingshaus serves as the department chair of the Theatre and Media Arts Department. He is a member of TMA’s Critical Studies faculty and the head of Dramaturgy Studies. He is an affiliate faculty with BYU’s Scandinavian Studies program. He is a member of the Performance Philosophy international research network's executive board ("Core Conveners"), and his work has been published in 'Theatre Topics,' 'Theatre Journal,' 'Review: The Journal of Dramaturgy,' 'Scandinavian Studies,' and 'The Journal of Finnish Studies.' He is the author of 'Philosophizing Rock Performance: Dylan, Hendrix, Bowie' (2013) and is currently working on a new book project on Peter Gabriel. He serves as the liaison between the American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR) and the Theatre Library Association (TLA).

Research Interests

Performance philosophy; Music as Performance; Theatre Historiography; Finnish and Scandinavian theatre and performance

Teaching Interests

Performance Studies; Music as Performance; Theatre History/Theory/Criticism; Finnish Literature and Film

Honors and Awards

  • Alcuin Fellowship in General Education, Brigham Young University (2016 - 2018)
  • Excellence in Theatre Education, Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival, Region I (2014 - 2014)

Administrative Assignments

  • Theatre and Media Arts: Department Chair (2015 - 2021)

Professional Citizenship

  • Committee/Council Member, CLCS Nordic Forum Executive Committee (MLA) (2022 - Present)
  • Board Member, Performance Philosophy (2017 - Present)

Courses Taught