The Student Costume Collection (WCCB 1332) houses the Theatre and Media Arts costume collection available for limited TMA student production and classroom use. TMA employs a part-time B-room Supervisor each semester to oversee costume stock use, control and maintenance.
Student Costume Collection – For TMA Student Class Use
The following TMA classes are approved for B-Room costume access:
MDT 228
MDT Seminar
MDT 229
Musical Scene Study
TMA 318
Approaches to Directing
TMA 328
Performance Review
TMA 418
Advanced Visual Storytelling
TMA 425
Character Mask
TMA 424
Advanced Acting
MDT 426
MDT Senior Performance Project
TMA 436
Advanced Directing Practicum
TMA 372R/475
Advanced Film Production
TMA 536R
Directing Workshop
Microburst New Play Festival
TMA Student Theatre Association-Sponsored events as approved by Department Chair
TMA Class-associated film productions as approved by Department Chair
All other TMA classes do not have access to the Student costume collection stock.
Student Costume Collection Use Procedures
To make an appointment with the costume collection supervisor, click the link below to sign-up for an appointment. Due to the collection supervisor’s schedule, only appointments made at least 24 hours in advance can be guaranteed. Please check the list of approved classes/projects to see if you are qualified before scheduling an appointment. The Student Costume Collection is located in WCCB 1332. Sign Up
Please arrive promptly for your appointment. Bring with you:
Picture research showing the types of costumes you need
A complete list of the items needed
Cast measurements for items needed
Your student ID # (or Department Billing Code)
Sign a “Student Costume Collection Access Costume Agreement” and check out your costumes with the costume collection supervisor.
Storage closets will be assigned in the costume collection facility for costume storage. Costumes may not be taken out of the building or stored in personal lockers unless approved by the Costume Shop Manager. Film/Art/MDT projects that would like to take costume pieces off campus must first receive permission from the Costume Shop Manager. The Shop Manager can be emailed at The collection supervisor can advise these students on how to get in touch with the Costume Shop Manager.
Make an appointment to return the costumes within a week of your last performance. There is a late fee of $2.00 per costume per day late.
Any costume that is altered by the borrower must be returned to its original state before return. Any trim or decoration added to the costume by the borrower must be removed before return.
In the case of loss or damage to any costume, the borrower will be billed for the cost to repair or replace the costume. This charge will go to your student account.
A costume rack and dressing screen are available for the Blackbox backstage use during productions. These should be kept backstage during performances. Halls must be kept clear at all times.
Student Prop Collection For TMA Classes
The Student Prop Collection houses a curated collection of props available for limited TMA student production and classroom use. TMA employs a part-time Prop Supervisor each semester to oversee costume stock use, control and maintenance.
Student Prop Collection Access – For TMA Student Class Use
The following TMA classes are approved for Student Props access:
MDT 228
MDT Seminar
MDT 229
Musical Scene Study
TMA 318
Approaches to Directing
TMA 328
Performance Seminar
TMA 418
Advanced Visual Storytelling
TMA 425
Character Mask
TMA 424
Advanced Acting
MDT 426
MDT Senior Performance Project
TMA 436
Advanced Directing Practicum
TMA Student Theatre Association-Sponsored events as approved by the Department Chair
TMA Class-associated film productions as approved by the Department Chair
The following classes have full access to the TMA Prop Shop:
TMA 372R/475
Advanced Film Productions
TMA 536R
Directing Workshop
Microburst New Play Festival
All other TMA classes cannot access the Student Prop Collection or the TMA Prop Shop.
Student Prop Collection and Prop Shop Access:
To make an appointment with the prop collection supervisor, click the link below to sign-up for an appointment: