For Winter 2023 Semester
A few announcements to pass along!
1) Teresa will be teaching 377D next semester, Winter 2023. She needs to know who is planning on taking that course because she has to find placements for the practicum during the next few weeks. Could you please reply to this email by next Wednesday, 11/2 if you plan to take 377D Winter 2023. You can email her for add codes.
2) Opportunity for anyone to take class—“315R Special Projects 2: Young Company”
History of Theatre for Young Audiences is a block class (first half of the semester only, and then you are done!) for Winter semester, 2023. The Young Company actors for A Midsummer Night's Dream will automatically be in the class,but any other students may enroll also. It's 2 credits, and will be held T & TH 12:00 noon to 1:50 pm.
This fall semester we had two Theatre Ed majors (Judy and Kennedy) along with the Go. Dog. Go! cast. You can ask them if they thought it was worthwhile for their goals. You can also email Teresa