Acting and MDT Seniors Present New York Showcase Skip to main content

Acting and MDT Seniors Present New York Showcase

Two of the graduating performers discuss how BYU set the stage for their futures

BYU's graduating seniors in the BFA acting and Music Dance Theatre (MDT) programs will present their annual showcase of songs, monologues and scenes to campus audiences before taking the show to New York to perform for agents, casting directors and other industry professionals.

"The showcase is really an extended audition," said MDT head Tim Threlfall. "The objective is to give students something of a transition experience from the academic environment to the professional environment. Several casting directors and agents also come to campus here in Provo and help prepare students for the showcase in New York."

Each of the 15 students will have around three minutes on stage to present their material, which is typically pulled from Broadway musicals, stage plays or film scripts.

"You'll see a ton of variety and individuality in the different numbers we have chosen to do," said MDT major Daniel Wallentine. "The preparation for this particular show has been different from any other rehearsal process I have experienced; we've had to bring in our own material and ideas rather than showing up and having material given to us. Each participant brings what they feel is uniquely 'them.'"

Acting major Emily Moore is grateful for the chance to share her monologues and scene with a more familiar audience before taking the Big Apple plunge.

"I love performing, and getting to do so in front of friends and family is especially exciting," she said. "This is also an opportunity to share our work with those who will be following in our footsteps in taking this course and going to New York in following years. Being able to do that in a space that I've loved being in for the past four years is quite exciting."

Read more about the showcase at the BYU Arts website.